About me

Ursula Oberst, Ph.D.

I was born in Germany, but for almost 30 years, I have made my home in Barcelona. I studied psychology at the University of Konstanz (Germany), completed training in Adlerian psychology at the Alfred-Adler-Institut in Zürich (Switzerland) and obtained a doctorate in Psychology at the Ramon Llull University in Barcelona.

My work moves along three interconnected axes: counseling and psychotherapy, teaching and training (for psychologists, psychotherapists and counselors), and dissemination (courses, conferences, webinars and, above all, books).


I understand psychotherapy not only as a way to treat psychological symptoms and disorders, but as a philosophy for life, as an instrument for improving people’s psychological well-being and the human experience.

That’s why I like Adlerian psychology, which emphasizes prevention and personal growth, especially through parenting and education. Adlerians around the world are concerned about social issues such as equality, social justice, human rights, and ecology.

Follow me on Instagram.


Professor at Blanquerna School of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sports

Ramon Llull University, Barcelona

Coordinator and teacher of the International Master’s in Adlerian Counseling

FPCEE Blanquerna. Universidad Ramon Llull, Barcelona

Faculty member of ICASSI

International Committee of Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes

Presenter and instructor

International conferences, courses and workshops in English, Spanish and German


Apart from my scientific production at the university, I have published various books and articles in Spanish and English on Adlerian psychology.

Poner límites al niño consentido

Un método para educar sin castigos


An Advanced Approach to Individual Psychology

El trastorno del niño

Manual para padres y maestros

Afan de Poder

Sociedad, salud mental y educación desde una visión actual de Alfred Adler

La Psicología Individual
de Alfred Adler


You can consult and download my journal articles here.